Give Your Child An Opportunity to Become a Change maker

Admission Procedure
[evc_process number_of_columns=”four” switch_to_one_column=”1024″][evc_process_item title=”Apply Online” text=”Apply through website”][evc_process_item title=”Interview” text=”Attend the Interview”][evc_process_item title=”Notifications” text=”Results will be announced through call”][evc_process_item title=”Enrollment” text=”Register with original documents”][/evc_process]
[tp_heading_title heading_style=”style_9″ title=”Offered Courses” sub_title=”” title_color=”#1e73be” sub_color=”#cccccc”]
[asb_service_box main_style=”style_2″ title=”CBSE School” box_bg_color=”#25c1ed” title_font_family=”font_family:Inherit%3Ainherit|font_style:inherit” image_icon=””]K.G to Grade IX[/asb_service_box]
[asb_service_box main_style=”style_2″ title=”P.U College” box_bg_color=”#3195d8″ title_font_family=”font_family:Inherit%3Ainherit|font_style:inherit” image_icon=””]Science: PCMB, PCMC || Commerce: EBACs  || Arts: HEPPsy[/asb_service_box]
[asb_service_box main_style=”style_2″ title=”Aalima Course” box_bg_color=”#e524b2″ title_font_family=”font_family:Inherit%3Ainherit|font_style:inherit” image_icon=””]I Aalima[/asb_service_box]
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مَنْ أَرَادَ الدُّنْيَا فَعَلَيْهِ بِاْلعِلْمِ وَمَنْ أَرَادَ الآخِرَةِ فَعَلَيْهِ بِاْلعِلْمِ وَمَنْ أَرَادَ هُمَا فَعَلَيْهِ بِاْلعِلْم

Al-Furqan – is a center for tremendous knowledge of this world as well as the hereafter. It is a foundation for people who want to mold young lives to live Islam as a way of life. Every person who enters this campus will know, learn, understand and implement what Islam really is based upon, bi iznillah. It is a center established not merely to gain knowledge but to realize and pursue whatever we have gained; only then shall we attain success in this world and hereafter.
Al-Furqan group of Institutions provide children excellent quality education for  their  overall development.  It provides an environment  in which they can develop their Islamic principles along with their academic performance  and to acquire such characteristics as god-consciousness, a sense of responsibility, commitment, sincerity,  wisdom, confidence, honesty, self discipline, excellent personal manners, high moral values and various skills to  achieve success in this world and hereafter .

Are you worried about your wards' after 10th education?

Would you like to provide them the education which benefits them only in this world or make them attain success in this world and hereafter?

Do you wish to continue your wards' Pre University studies with religious and value based education?

If so, Allah has given for your blessed children such a golden opportunity through the medium of AL FURQAN ISLAMIC PU COLLEGE. These days, though, there is an increase in the higher education, morality among the students is declining steeply all because of the affect of environment around, social media, lack of God consciousness, prevailing of free mixing, ignorance of deen so on and so forth. Most of the parents are worried about their young children when they step into the college life. Here, the Al Furqan Educational Trust has opened the doors for young students to imbibe them with the value based College education which would save them from the evil effects prevailing in the society.

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